- 1. Working directories
- 2. URL
- 3. AnyDesk
- 4. Ubuntu下安装QQ,微信,百度云,迅雷
- 4.1. Linux flatpak 怎么安装QQ
- 4.2. 2019-03-08 linux安装QQ,微信,百度云,迅雷
- 4.3. Use flatpak to install QQ under Fedora
- 4.3.1. Flatpak overview
- 4.3.2. Install Flatpak
- 4.3.3. Start using Flatpak
- Add Flathub repository:
- Add the GNOME repository:
- View software repository
- Delete software warehouse
- Install Flatpak app
- Execute Flatpak application
- List installed Flatpak apps
- List the apps that can be installed in the software warehouse
- Update application
- Get app details
- Delete application
- 4.3.4. Use flatpak to install QQ under Fedora
Working directories
1 | cd /media/ht/ht_5T/Work/Projects/RTI_Project/Mycoplasma |
1 | wget -qO - https://keys.anydesk.com/repos/DEB-GPG-KEY | apt-key add -- add the repository: |
- Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS下使用Flatpak安装QQ轻聊版TIM - Linux迷
- linux使用flatpak快速安装TIM,QQ,微信,迅雷,百度云 - 问题修复版 – Live in linux_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
- Fedora下使用flatpak安装QQ_BillGG1998的博客-CSDN博客
- 2019-03-08 linux安装QQ,微信,百度云,迅雷 - 简书
Linux flatpak 怎么安装QQ
输入安装命令:【sudo install flatpak】,输入管理员密码,安装flatpak包管理器。
上面的管理器安装之后,输入命令:【flatpak install com.d*】,完成wine安装。会提示你输入管理员密码,输入即可。
接着输入软件安装命令:输入命令:【flatpak install com.t*】,完成对软件的安装。接着点击菜单。
2019-03-08 linux安装QQ,微信,百度云,迅雷
0.8322019.03.08 09:31:19字数 2,625阅读 3,547
com.deepin.wine - deepinwine的运行时 2.18
com.tencent.tim - 腾讯TIM 2.0
- 构建仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.tim.json.git
- 二进制文件仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.tim.git
- 预构建文件:com.tencent.tim.2.0.1.flatpak
- 扩展:
- com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx - fcitx输入法支持
- com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd - KDE桌面支持
com.tencent.qqlight - 腾讯QQ轻聊版 7.9
- 构建仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.qqlight.json.git
- 二进制文件仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.qqlight.git
- 预构建文件:com.tencent.qqlight.7.9.1.flatpak
- 扩展:
- com.tencent.qqlight.ext.fcitx - fcitx输入法支持
- com.tencent.qqlight.ext.xsettingsd - KDE桌面支持
com.tencent.wechat - 腾讯微信PC版 2.6
- 构建仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.wechat.json.git
- 二进制文件仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.wechat.git
- 预构建文件:com.tencent.wechat.2.6.1.flatpak
- 扩展:
- com.tencent.wechat.ext.fcitx - fcitx输入法支持
- com.tencent.wechat.ext.xsettingsd - KDE桌面支持
com.xunlei.thunderspeed - 迅雷极速版 7.10
- 构建仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.xunlei.thunderspeed.json.git
- 二进制文件仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.xunlei.thunderspeed.git
- 预构建文件:com.xunlei.thunderspeed.7.10.1.flatpak
- 扩展:
- com.xunlei.thunderspeed.ext.xsettingsd - KDE桌面支持
com.baidu.pan - 百度网盘 5.7
- 构建仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.baidu.pan.json.git
- 二进制文件仓库:https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.baidu.pan.git
- 预构建文件:com.baidu.pan.5.7.1.flatpak
- 扩展:
- com.baidu.pan.ext.xsettingsd - KDE桌面支持
- 下载仓库
git clone --depth=1 https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.deepin.wine.git
cd com.deepin.wine
mkdir dl
cd dl
wget cat ../urls
计算二进制文件的sha256sumsha256sum ./* > sha256sum.ori
sha256sum ../* > sha256sum.repo
- 请比较sha256sum.ori和sha256sum.repo中各个二进制文件的hash值是否相同。 如果不相同或者因为原始链接失效导致文件无法下载比较,则之后是否进行下一步安装请慎重考虑。 如果你执意继续安装,你可以尝试通过原始链接下载更新的文件版本,或者使用仓库中的过时版本,但无论你怎样安装,你都需要为所有可能后果。
- 配置环境
flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Platform/i386/18.08
flatpak install flathub org.freedesktop.Sdk/i386/18.08
- 构建并安装deepinwine的运行时 com.deepin.wine.Platform
1 | git clone https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.deepin.wine.json.git |
- 构建并安装应用
git clone https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.tim.json.git
cd com.tencent.tim.json
mkdir .build
cd .build
flatpak-builder --repo=repo --arch=i386 build ../com.tencent.tim.json
flatpak remote-add --user --no-gpg-verify repotim ./repo
flatpak install --user repotim com.tencent.tim
与tim对应的fcitx扩展是 com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx。
git clone https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx.json.git
cd com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx.json
mkdir .build
cd .build
flatpak-builder --repo=repo --arch=i386 build ../com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx.json
flatpak remote-add --user --no-gpg-verify repotimextfcitx ./repo
flatpak install --user repotimextfcitx com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx
与tim对应的KDE支持扩展是 com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd。
git clone https://gitee.com/wsgalaxy/com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd.json.git
cd com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd.json
mkdir .build
cd .build
flatpak-builder --repo=repo --arch=i386 build ../com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd.json
flatpak remote-add --user --no-gpg-verify repotimextxsettingsd ./repo
flatpak install --user repotimextxsettingsd com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd
在安装包的同一目录中打开终端flatpak install --user ./com.deepin.wine.Platform.2.18.1.flatpak
无论你已哪种方式安装,都要遵循一定的安装顺序:运行时 com.deepin.wine.Platform 必须第一个安装,之后安装对应的应用,如安装TIM的话就安装 com.tencent.tim,然后再根据需要安装应用对应的扩展,如TIM对应的 fcitx 支持扩展是 com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx、对应的KDE支持扩展是 com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd。
运行应用可以使用应用菜单的图标直接启动,或者使用命令行flatpak run APPID
运行,如运行 com.tencent.tim:
安装完之后的第一次执行建议使用命令行,迅雷 com.xunlei.thunderspeed 和百度云 com.baidu.pan 第一次执行必须使用命令行,并在命令的提示中输入 y 回车,之后才能通过应用菜单启动。
使用flatpak run APPID -h
卸载 com.tencent.tim 以及对应的fcitx和xsettingsd扩展flatpak run com.tencent.tim -e
flatpak remove com.tencent.tim
flatpak remove com.tencent.tim.ext.fcitx
flatpak remove com.tencent.tim.ext.xsettingsd
- 应用无法启动
尝试使用flatpak run APPID -r
- fcitx安装扩展之后仍无法启用
安装扩展后使用flatpak kill APPID
- 即使没有安装fcitx扩展但无法使用ibus
Use flatpak to install QQ under Fedora
Flatpak overview
Snaps was developed by Canonical for Ubuntu, and then ported to other Linux distributions, such as Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, etc. Since a snap package contains the binary files of the software and all the dependencies and libraries it needs, it is possible to install the software on any Linux distribution regardless of the software version. Similar to Snaps, there is also a tool called Flatpak. Perhaps you already know how time-consuming and complicated it is to package and distribute applications for different Linux distributions, because different Linux distributions have different libraries and different versions of the libraries. Now, Flatpak as a new framework for distributing desktop applications allows developers to completely get rid of these burdens. Developers only need to build a Flatpak app to install and use on multiple distributions. This is really cool and awesome!
Users also don’t have to worry about libraries and dependencies at all, everything is packaged with the app. More importantly, Flatpak apps have their own sandbox and are isolated from other parts of the host operating system. By the way, Flatpak also has a great feature, which allows users to install multiple versions of the same application in the same system, such as VLC player version 2.1, 2.2, 2.3. This makes it more convenient for developers to test multiple versions of the same software.
In this article, we will guide you how to install Flatpak in GNU/Linux.
Install Flatpak
Flatpak can be installed and used on most mainstream Linux distributions, such as Arch Linux, Debian, Fedora, Gentoo, Red Hat, Linux Mint, openSUSE, Solus, Mageia and Ubuntu.
Arch Linux
On Arch Linux, use this command to install Flatpak:
$ sudo pacman -S flatpak
For Debian users, Flatpak is included in the default software source for Stretch or later. To install Flatpak, execute directly:
$ sudo apt install flatpak
For Fedora users, Flatpak is the software installed by default in the distribution. You can skip this step directly.
If for some reason it is not installed, you can execute:
$ sudo dnf install flatpak
For RHEL 7 users, the command to install Flatpak is:
$ sudo yum install flatpak
If you are using Linux Mint 18.3, then Flatpat is also installed by default with the system, so skip this step.
In openSUSE Tumbleweed, use Zypper package management to install Flatpak:
$ sudo zypper install flatpak
For Ubuntu, you need to add the following software source to install Flatpak, the command is as follows:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:alexlarsson/flatpak
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install flatpak
Flatpak plugin installation
Gnome provides a Flatpak plug-in, install it and you can use the graphical interface to install the Flatpak app. The plug-in installation command is:
$ sudo apt install gnome-software-plugin-flatpak
If you are using a distribution that is not in the above instructions, please refer to the official installation guide.
Start using Flatpak
Many popular applications support Flatpak installation, such as Gimp, Kdenlive, Steam, Spotify, Visual Sudio Code, etc.
Let me learn the basic operation commands of flatpak together.
1. we need to add a remote warehouse.
Add software repository
Add Flathub repository:
Flathub is a repository that contains almost all flatpak applications. Run this command to enable it:
$ sudo flatpak remote-add –if-not-exists flathubhttps://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
(The URL of the relevant website is:https://flathub.org/home)
For popular applications, Flathub can already meet the demand. If you want to try GNOME applications, you can add the GNOME repository.
Add the GNOME repository:
The GNOME repository includes all GNOME core applications. It provides two versions: stable and nightly.
Use the following command to add the GNOME stable release repository:
$ wgethttps://sdk.gnome.org/keys/gnome-sdk.gpg
$ sudo flatpak remote-add –gpg-import=gnome-sdk.gpg –if-not-exists gnome-appshttps://sdk.gnome.org/repo-apps/
It should be noted that the applications in the GNOME stable version warehouse require the 3.20 version of the org.gnome.Platform runtime environment.
To install the stable runtime environment, please execute:
$ sudo flatpak remote-add –gpg-import=gnome-sdk.gpg gnomehttps://sdk.gnome.org/repo/
If you want to use the daily build version of the GNOME repository, use the following command:
$ wgethttps://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/keys/nightly.gpg
$ sudo flatpak remote-add –gpg-import=nightly.gpg –if-not-exists gnome-nightly-appshttps://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo-apps/
Similarly, the daily build version of the GNOME repository also requires the daily build version of the org.gnome.Platform runtime environment.
Execute the following command to install the runtime environment of the daily build version:
$ sudo flatpak remote-add –gpg-import=nightly.gpg gnome-nightlyhttps://sdk.gnome.org/nightly/repo/
View software repository
To view the software repositories that have been added, execute the following command:
$ flatpak remotes
Name Options
flathub system
gnome system
gnome-apps system
gnome-nightly system
gnome-nightly-apps system
As you can see, the above command will list the software repositories you have added to the system. In addition, the execution results also indicate whether the software warehouse configuration is per-user or system-wide.
Delete software warehouse
To delete software repositories, such as flathub, use this command:
$ sudo flatpak remote-delete flathub
Here flathub is the name of the software repository.
Install Flatpak app
In this section, we will learn how to install the flatpak application.
To install an application, just one command can be completed:
$ sudo flatpak install flathub com.spotify.Client
All applications in the stable version of the GNOME software repository use “stable” as the version name.
For example, to install the stable version of Evince from the stable version of the GNOME software repository, execute:
$ sudo flatpak install gnome-apps org.gnome.Evince stable
All applications in the daily build version of the GNOME repository use “master” as the version name.
For example, to install every build of gedit from the daily build GNOME software repository, execute:
$ sudo flatpak install gnome-nightly-apps org.gnome.gedit master
If you don’t want the application to be installed at the system-wide level, but only at the per-user level, then you can install the software like this:
$ flatpak install –user
All applications will be stored in the $HOME/.var/app/directory.
$ ls $HOME/.var/app/
Execute Flatpak application
You can directly use the application launcher to run the installed Flatpak application. If you want to start from the command line, take Spotify as an example, execute the following command:
$ flatpak run com.spotify.Client
List installed Flatpak apps
To view the installed applications and runtime environment, execute:
$ flatpak list
To view only installed applications, use this command:
$ flatpak list –app
List the apps that can be installed in the software warehouse
If you want to query the installable programs and installable runtime environment in the added software warehouse, use the command:
$ flatpak remote-ls
The command to list only installable applications is:
$ flatpak remote-ls –app
Query all installable applications and runtime environments in the specified remote warehouse. Here, taking gnome-apps as an example, execute the command:
$ flatpak remote-ls gnome-apps
Only the installable applications are listed, here is flathub as an example:
$ flatpak remote-ls flathub –app
Update application
To update all Flatpak applications, execute:
$ flatpak update
Update the specified Flatpak application and execute:
$ flatpak update com.spotify.Client
Get app details
Execute the following command to view the details of the installed application:
$ flatpak info io.github.mmstick.FontFinder
Sample output:
Ref: app/io.github.mmstick.FontFinder/x86_64/stable
ID: io.github.mmstick.FontFinder
Arch: x86_64
Branch: stable
Origin: flathub
Date: 2018-04-11 15:10:31 +0000
Subject: Workaround appstream issues (391ef7f5)
Commit: 07164e84148c9fc8b0a2a263c8a468a5355b89061b43e32d95008fc5dc4988f4
Parent: dbff9150fce9fdfbc53d27e82965010805f16491ec7aa1aa76bf24ec1882d683
Installed size: 2.5 MB
Runtime: org.gnome.Platform/x86_64/3.28
Delete application
To delete a Flatpak application, take spotify as an example, execute:
$ sudo flatpak uninstall com.spotify.Client
If you need more information, you can refer to Flatpak’s help.
$ flatpak –help
At this point, I hope you have some basic understanding of Flatpak.
Use flatpak to install QQ under Fedora
1. you need to obtain the relevant .flatpak files, and the links to the relevant files are as follows:
Wine:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1guT1k-YPhV3FVEp8PA4p5gPassword: kvpd
Baidu SkyDrive:https://www.lanzous.com/i4dqv8h
Install wine
flatpak install com.deepin.wine.Platform.2.18-10.flatpak
Install QQ
flatpak install com.tencent.qqlight.7.9.flatpak//The path of QQ on the local
The installation of other software packages is similar, so I won’t repeat them.